Monday, October 29, 2012

The Green Revolution: Not Just A Fad

Green building is a crucial step towards maintaining sustainability. Without a sustainable economy, growth will eventually slow and the high standard of living enjoyed today will be unavailable to future generations. It is therefore important to aim for sustainability in all manufacturing endeavours. Building construction is an important area where sustainable practices can be employed for maximum benefit to society.

Green building practices utilize recyclable materials to ensure that there is no waste during construction, renovation, and demolition. One example of a common recyclable material is gypsum. This is a mineral that can be pressed into boards for use as a general building material. These boards are commonly called drywall. Many interior walls are constructed using drywall, given its low cost and excellent structural characteristics.

When drywall is removed from a home, the minerals it contains can be recycled for use as a fertilizer. Agricultural gypsum is used to condition soil. This allows the waste product of a home to aid in sustaining agricultural lands. By using waste products in a productive manner, a more sustainable future can be realized. Instead of contributing to landfills, drywall contributes to creating healthy soil for a wide variety of crops.

Building out of recyclable materials is just one method for making a building green. A lot of fuel is consumed by heating and cooling homes. By designing a home with temperature regulation in mind, architects and engineers can create more energy efficient homes. Insulated walls, roofs, and double paned glass can all help improve the energy efficiency of a house. In addition, placing a home near large shade trees can reduce cooling costs in the summer. By creating more energy efficient homes, society will use less fuel to regulate their home environment. Since the majority of fuel produced for electricity comes from a non-renewable resource like coal, more energy efficient homes can help save these resources. As power generation gradually migrates over to renewable fuel sources, homes can be heated and cooled in a more sustainable manner.

Sustainability is important for the future of the world's economy. Every dollar in the economy must be extracted from a natural resource. As resources are depleted and converted into waste, the value of the world's resources diminishes. This will have profound effects on future generations. To ensure that the future can enjoy a high standard of living, every effort should be made towards creating a sustainable economy.

This article is brought to you by Ecogypsum Gypsum & Plasterboard Recycling, for more information please visit us at .

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