Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Unique Options Of The Entrepreneur Nurse

Copyright (c) 2012 Nurse Entrepreneur Network

The entrepreneur nurse is a special person. As nursing is a relatively recession-proof career, most nurses either continue their education to better their credentials or happily continue working at the level they are at. The entrepreneur is willing to take a risk to cover a perceived niche in the medical and business world.


Take, for example, the toll free nurse hotline that started over 30 years ago. The advertisements were on radio and television, magazines, newspapers, and billboards. A nurse opted to sit by her phone to answer calls. The service caught on, and now most area health organizations host and sponsor nurse operated telephone hotlines.

Think about the person who came up with the idea for medical identification bracelets. These id tags have saved many lives since they were first promoted by the American Medical Association in 1963. Medically related businesses are not necessarily all about personal gain.


The Internet is a lucrative option in today's world. An entrepreneur nurse can write articles to post on their website, and offer live chat for people with medical questions. Telephone hotlines are still often used. As more and more people turn to the Internet to find answers, a well-promoted nurse website can be quite lucrative.

The website can answer general health related questions, or specialize in one of the many areas of medicine. The nurse needs to able to write readable timely articles or blog posts to draw traffic to the site. Accreditations are helpful, but not required.

One of the problems of today's healthcare system is the lack of professionals to talk to. Many emergency room visits could be eliminated if a nurse could verify symptoms do not point to a life threatening condition over the phone or online. Another idea is developing a smart phone application.


Aside from federal, state, and local grants available for research, there are many national organizations that are willing to help a start-up business that will promote and keep the health of the public. This gives a nurse with a business idea more funding opportunities than others who are limited to small business administration, community, and bank loans.


There are many forms to file for any new business. These include name registration and tax identification. In addition to these, a nurse considering starting his or her own business should consult with a lawyer to protect themselves from liability. Business liability insurance options should also be explored and thoroughly understood.

Although most nurses will not intentionally give poor advice or attempt to defraud, misunderstandings do happen. It is therefore in the best interest of the entrepreneur to protect themselves from potential lawsuits.

As the front line of public health, nurses tend to recognize needs before anyone else. If one spots a moneymaking opportunity or has an idea and is willing to pursue it, he or she should give it a try. In addition to making a living for themselves, they may also create a new method of care that helps everyone.

So you want to be an entrepreneur nurse but don’t know where to begin? Discover why so many nurse entrepreneurs rely on the Nurse Entrepreneur Network for their marketing and business solutions - go to

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