Saturday, March 17, 2012

Self Publishing And How To Do It

Self publishing is one of the liberating phenomenons of the Internet Age. This self publishing ability, together with the ability to carry out quality research, allows you to get published and start selling at minimum cost and minimum risk!

Almost everybody feels that they have at least one book inside them, and they are right! Hardly anyone gets to do anything about it. However, because you are here it is clear that you do want to do something. Perhaps you are planning your own self-publishing business? You re in the right place to learn how to make a success of your efforts.

Before the Internet world exploded the only way to get published was in traditional print. To enter this world there were only two routes. The first was to submit a manuscript to a publisher who, if they liked it, would produce and sell your excellent prose under their conditions. If they did not like it then the only alternative was for you to pay for the entire process, a method called 'vanity publishing'. This is an expensive option, hunreds if not thousands of dollars, as you had to cover all overheads and the first print run - and with all costs covered by you.

You still have both of these options and this is the main route into bookshops, but competition for spots is tougher and for non mass-market publications there are better alternatives.

The development of 'on demand' printing means that you can get your book published for the cost of a single copy, around $10 or so depending upon your publishing choices. Even that is only the cost of your final sample for checking before you press the big "GO" button to release your masterpiece.

A new breed of publishers has sprung up that can deliver these new services for those who wish to self-publish. Companies such as Lulu for hardback and paperback books as well as e-books & Kindle publishing, CafePress for promotional items such as T-Shirts, Baby Rompers, Tote Bags, Pint Glasses, Mugs and Jumpers and CreateSpace for paperbacks, Kindle, CDs and Video DVDs offer these services. Now it's your turn to grab these services for your purposes. What a great opportunity!

Look carefully at the services the company you select provides and the publishing formats they can accept when you are preparing your text for publication. Some accept a variety of formats, Word files, RTF, or PDF. Remember to check the final layout carefully as the printing preparation process can affect details of the layout in some cases. As for the printed output, for example, for some publishers it is significantly cheaper to publish a book with only words rather than one with words and illustrations. Colour also costs more, as does better types of binding.

Choose what is right for your market. A novel comprising text only is a different animal to a book about photography. Once you have prepared your material, uploaded it to their site and, most important of all, checked it all out, you are ready to publish. These publishers have their own websites that will promote your items as well as having links to other promotional avenues such as Amazon to extend your coverage.

What happens when someone wants to buy one of your books? It is all taken care of by the publisher. They have an on-line ordering form that collects the customer's details and payment and then the item is manufactured and dispatched. You will get payment for your margin on the sale later.

You can make many decisions about pricing and marketing. The publisher has fixed costs that will be notified to you as you prepare your book. You then pick the price that's right for your customers. The difference between the two is your profit margin.

And now for the means of promotion. I've already mentioned the publisher's website but that is by no means sufficient. No, you will need to market it persuasively yet agressively using the Internet to achieve a decent sales volume.

You now have wonderful opportunities to get your voice heard. But do remember that it helps enormously if you have a guide to help you along the right path to the success you deserve as you study and act upon your learning about "Self publishing - and how to do it".

Follow the link to get immediate access to your report about being a successful online publisher Limited availability - may be taken down at any time. Tony brings a wide range of hints, tips and serious guides together for you based on 15 years experience online at visit

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