Thursday, March 15, 2012

How To Make A Website: A Beginner's Guide

Whether you are looking to create a website as a fun hobby or money making venture, the first step you will need to take is learning how to make a website. Once you learn the fundamentals of building a website, it will come naturally to you and you will be interested in creating more of them.

Know What Type of Site you Want to Build

The first step you will need to take when looking to build a website is decide what kind of site you are going to create. Common websites include blogs, informational sites, and ecommerce websites. The type of website you decide you are going to create will determine what programs and types of servers you will need to build your site.

Also, once you know what kind of website you are going to build, you can start researching the type of code you are going to write the site in. The most common type of code used to create a website is HTML code. If you learn the basics of HTML coding, you should have any issues changing the layout of the website you are going to create.

Find a Good Hosting Company

Most people do not realize that they will need to pay a monthly fee to host their website. When trying to figure out how to make a website, most people focus on the technical aspect without realizing they will need to find a good webhost. If you do not have a reliable webhost, your website will repeatedly crash and be unstable for your visitors.

When looking for a web hosting company, you will want to register an account with one that provides excellent customer support. Since this will be your first time building a website, you will more than likely have several questions during the process. Having a reliable support team on hand 24/7 to assist you with any questions can be invaluable when creating your own website.

You also want to find a webhosting company that will set up your server with all of the applications you will need to run your site. If you are going to create a blog style website, you will want to have WordPress or Joomla installed on your webhosting server. If you are looking to go the ecommerce route, you will need an ecommerce platform such as Magento installed on your server. Using a webhosting company that will install these programs from you will help alleviate a lot of confusion on your end when creating your first website.

Decide How you Will Promote your Site

Now that you have a basic website up and running, you will want to decide how you are going to promote your site. If you do not promote your website, you will not receive any visitors and it will be as if your site does not exist. Common website promotion methods include pay per click advertising, search engine optimization, and email marketing. Using a combination of all three of these promotion methods is probably the best idea as it will help bring a diverse group of internet users to your website.

For a free step by step guide on how to make a website visit,

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