Saturday, March 17, 2012

Article Marketing Tips: Should I Use Quotation Marks When Searching For My Keywords In Google?

You probably know that doing keyword research and using your keywords in your article submissions is essential in generating more traffic for your website. The idea is that by submitting articles focused around your keyword term, you are helping Google and the other search engines to associate your website with that keyword term.

Then, when people do a search for that phrase, ideally your website would show up high in the rankings. The higher your website is in the rankings, the more traffic will be directed to your website. Your ultimate goal is to be in the #1 position for each of your keyword terms.

That takes time and steady effort, but you can (and should) keep track of your progress along the way.

Here's a question that I get sometimes:

How can you tell how you're doing with your article marketing strategy or if you're making any headway in the search engines?

This is one of the most common questions that people wonder--you know that you need to do keyword research and to use the keywords in your article submissions, but you might not have known that there's a special way to monitor how your website is doing in Google and the other search engines.

For monitoring purposes, here's what you should do one time a month:

1 - Do a Google search for each of your keyword terms.

2 - Where is your website ranked in the results list? Make a note of that.

3 - Do the same search for whatever other search engines you're interested in tracking--Yahoo, Bing, etc.

What about quotation marks--should you use them?

You might have wondered if you're supposed to put quotation marks around your keyword terms when doing the searches. For the purposes of gauging how you're doing in the rankings overall, you should not use quotation marks.

Here's why:

If you were to use quotation marks around the keyword phrase, you would be saying that you only want to see websites that reflect that specific phrase.

When you search for the phrase without quotes, then you're making a much wider search.

Although your website will probably have an easier time rising to the top for a keyword term that is in quotation marks, that's only because there is less competition, because the search is much narrower (due to the quotation marks).

But think about it--when you search for things in Google and the other search engines, you probably don't use quotation marks, right? Most people don't--they just type a series of words in that express the topic that they're looking for.

So, the phrase that you're really interested in is the one without quotation marks.

Now, don't get me wrong--there's no harm in tracking both your phrase in quotes and without quotes. It can be very encouraging to see your website start to rise up the rankings more quickly in the search with quotes. It can also be an indication that you're on the right track--if you're near the top of the rankings for your keyword term in quotes, then you're clearly doing something right. That can be a sign that you're about to be making similar progress when searching for the broader term.

It will just take you longer to see the same progress in your keyword term without quotes because there is more competition for the wider search. The more web pages that are competing for a particular keyword term, the tougher it is to make your way up the rankings. It's worth the effort though--the broader term is where you'll see your biggest payoff in terms of website traffic.

Steve Shaw is a content syndication specialist. Do you own a blog? Need content? Join thousands of other blogs and get free high-quality, niche-focused, human-reviewed content from quality authors sent on auto-pilot - and it's all 100% free! Go to for more information.

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