Friday, February 17, 2012

What Is So Great About The Warrior Forum?

I have been a member of the Warrior Forum for almost 10 years. I still go there every week and many times I pop in every day. If you are not a member here are a few reasons I think the Warrior Forum is so great and you should join.

1. Free training. When I first joined I used to lurk in the shadows and read the various threads. I didn't participate too much in the discussions. but it was a tremendous source of free training on Internet marketing.

If you want to participate in the discussion you can do that. If you want just read and learn you will not find better free training on how to do Internet marketing and make money online.

2. Helpful members. If you run into a problem you can post a question and you will find the members here extremely helpful.

I think of discussion forums as a form of social networking. You will get to meet people on a one-on-one basis and might even form a joint venture. It has been said that millions of dollars in joint ventures have been created in the forum.

3. Anyone can learn. Regardless of your current level of Internet marketing experience there are things you can learn. I learn new stuff all the time and I'm a full-time Internet marketer who's been doing this for over 10 years.

Things change so rapidly on the Internet that it is hard to keep up with everything. When you go to the Warrior Forum you're hanging out in the largest Internet marketing forum in the world and there are always new ideas and current information being floated around.

4. Blog ideas. I like to look at the various threads and see which ones are generating the most action.

Since I have a blog in the make money and Internet marketing niche this is a good source of blog article ideas for me. Chances are you can find something to write about in your blog regardless of the niche it is in.

5. War Room. For a one payment of $10 you get access to inside information.

These are more advanced tips that you won't find in the regular forum. Again this is unbelievable information and it's amazing to me how many members provide these for free.

6. Warrior Special Offers. Every day you can purchase new offers that provide step-by-step tips on using the Internet to make money. These are very low in price and it's amazing how smart some of the members are and what they're willing to share for virtually no cost.

As you can tell I'm a big fan of the Warrior Forum. It's easy for me to write this article in the form of an unsolicited testimonial. If you're not a member, and are trying to make money online, this is a forum you need to join.

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