Thursday, December 29, 2011

Methods Of Increasing Website Traffic

As long as you know how to do it right, in business the internet will become your best friend. Large companies definitely have the capabilities and ability to make it even bigger online but is this the case for small company's or startups. Yes they do! May of them probably don't realize this or are just too intimidated by the bigger players. Also what they don't realise is the weapons they could use to bring them online success.

It s non-convential ways of SEO marketing that are being talked about here which use the internet. These are techniques which complement internet marketing strategies adopted by websites. If you have knowledge of how to SEO market your website, you could use these additional SEO techniques to build up on those that you have already implemented.

Let us look at these off-the-wall SEO techniques that a budding online seller could use:

Domain Buying

Page Rank for ranking a website high in search engine results is what all SEO tips says needs to be built up. This can be time consuming for a new business. If it takes an entrepreneur a long time to build up his site's Page Rank (which is very likely) there's a possibility that it might fall behind if a business is new to the market. Domain buying means that you buy a website which already has a high page rank and use it to redirect traffic to the business website, or to convert it to a main website.

Link Exchange

You can also SEO your website through another common technique called link exchange. This means getting someone with a website that is similar to your niche to link to your website from theirs and you link to theirs from yours. Sometimes there is a cost incvolved in this as high ranked websites like to sell back links. It is just one way of capitalizing on the popularity of their websites, so it's legit.

Mary Johnson has had extensive experience in many business and marketing roles. Her interests are business strategy, Internet marketing, motivation and self-development. With a passion for passing on her knowledge to others for over 20 years, she is a big fan of for targeting ideal traffic to her websites. You can find out more about Mary at .

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