Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why I Do Not Listen To News

During rare emergency situations, like floods or earthquakes, I watch a TV news program for a couple of moments. Besides that, I stopped watching TV news 20 years ago. I stopped getting my news on the radio fifteen years ago. These days, I tend to get one hundred percent of my news on the web, spending under 15 seconds a day skimming the news; and I suspect I'm not alone. I'm a judgment broker who writes a lot of articles.

Decades ago, radio and TV news was much more important for reasons that included back then, there was less choice about what program to watch on TV. And, before the revolution of the internet, TV or radio newscast programs were the quickest way to learn what was happening around the world. The web wrecked the newspaper industry, and conventional radio stations are finding it more difficult to stay profitable. These are 5 reasons I do not view TV news or listen to news on the radio:

1) News media often exaggerates, and might occasionally tell lies. Consistently, each news anchor or source seems to say nearly identical thing. Occasionally later, the facts seem to indicate the real story was not the same. News can't avoid covering subjects with selective bias or selective indignation, which omits some news, and covers a limited number of subjects.

2) Assuming I am wrong and TV and radio media was one hundred percent right, it simply does not seem to apply to me. I like to think about good thoughts, and the things I might accomplish now and in my future. I do not focus on whatever the world does or doesn't do. Why worry over things we cannot change?

3) News media is repeated constantly, sometimes in way too much detail, often for trivial subjects. Many news subjects do not improve by learning all the details, yet media news tends to dig to uncover trivia, and present trivia as being important to understanding the primary concept of the news story.

4) Just like newspapers, TV networks and stations, and radio; we get identical news, a lot faster over the web. There, we might check the news while viewing TV, a movie, listening to music, etc.

5) News media is often biased, disturbing, and celebrity-centric. These are topics I do not want to focus on. When I view TV news, I view it just in fun and short doses, examples would be clips and discussions on The Daily Show featuring Mr. Jon Stewart, or the Colbert Nation program with Stephen Colbert.

The internet is changing our world as much as electricity did. News is a commodity we want to learn the full details on, only for topics that are interesting to us, and that is best done on the internet. One can program Google News, and other news sites, to display just those news stories that you have an interest in.

Television and radio news may work best by sticking to headlines and summaries. Perhaps if television and radio media news just offered headlines, and had a few funny comedians telling lots of jokes in each show, this would persuade people like me to watch again.

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