Monday, October 15, 2012

7 Sins To Avoid To Achieve Good Management

One of your responsibilities, as a manager, is to lead your people properly. If you fail, expect problems to surely arise. It could just be because of your personality or your management style, but nonetheless it will bring out crucial effects in their performance, most especially in generating leads. You have to be careful, cause without you knowing it, you might actually be acting out one or even more of the 7 cardinal signs in management that will surely affect your people in working on their B2B leads. In short, take time to ask yourself whether your management approach is somehow acceptable if not good in producing more business leads for your company.

If this is the scenario, it might actually be of great help to study the 7 cardinal sins in management:

1. Anger - okay, you are the angry type of manager, always breathing down your employees' necks as they generate sales leads. Sure, it might compel them to keep working, but that can also discourage them from taking risks and give new ideas. 2.

2. Greed - nothing can be very irritating than hearing your boss announce a cut in wages or budget, and then see him flaunt his newest iPod or gadget. Because they feel they are not rewarded accordingly, these may discourage your team members to give their best shot. Compassion, indeed, is something we all have to work out, don't you think?

3. Sloth - laziness is subjective. How one compares his work load to another can dampen his spirits. It could be that he's sizing up himself to his co-employee with a job description that's extremely different from his. It will be necessary to make the jobs of each one clear to all.

4. Pride - it is good if you trust your decisions, but being too trusting is definitely a big no. You are not perfect, and so are some of your business decisions. Don't think twice to let others speak out their thoughts if you think they have a better business solution than you. Remember: Pride comes before the fall.

5. Lust - it is good if you are passionate with your work in lead generation, but if you are doing things without regards to consequences, then it might have a bad effect in your business. When talking about sales leads, you must learn how to view passion and lust in 2 different ways.

6. Envy - it might be bad news if you start thinking that a colleague's grass is greener than yours. As such, ponder once more on what really drives you for working. You probably have to guarantee yourself that your place is really what's meant for you.

7. Gluttony - it might be great to have almost everything that a person can have, but it can be bad for you and your team if you don't know how to share your knowledge in business. You need to practice generosity as it can help foster friendship and alliances that can help you in the future.

Do you see yourself committing such sins? If not, then good for you. If yes, then you will have to check yourself once in a while, to see whether what you are doing is right.

Belinda Summers is business development consultant specializing in b2b business lead generation for mid-size ang large business industries. She has been writing tips on how to market your business effectively through telemarketing and online marketing. Get informative insights on lead generation and telemarketing at

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