Saturday, October 6, 2012

5 Ways To Use Video For Marketing

Video has the fantastic ability to engage the auditory, visual and aural senses, which makes it such an effective way to market your business. Whatever several pages of articles can say, a video can relay in a minute or less. In this fast-paced word where everything is done hurriedly, this makes it a huge help.

Below are 5 more of the most important things video can do to push your business.

Video is the best way to attract your prospects at the very beginning of the buying cycle…when they're looking for information. That's the ideal time to attract them and capture them as a lead in your system. (Mainly because your competitors won't do the work to grab them and follow-up this early in the process.) Once you've got them, you can send them emails with links to more educational videos. Each one builds relationship with the prospect AND allows you to set the buying criteria in their minds before there's much competition.

Showcase yourself and your business. Pictures and a great about page on your website are a terrific way to help foster a personal connection with your customers. A video takes it to the next level. Your customers want to get a sense of you and your business. They want to know what you're all about and whether or not they want to give you their money. They will feel a much stronger sense of connection to your business by seeing you and listening to you speak or by watching the business in action. Short of meeting or visiting your business in person, video is the next best thing.

Demonstrate Your Products And Services. Video gives you an excellent opportunity to demonstrate exactly what your company has to offer. Show your clients the products you provide, explaining their key features and demonstrating exactly how they work. For example, on our own site, we have included videos on our most popular products, ensuring the key features are prominent,

Publish customer testimonials. Your best fans can explain on video how using your products or services solved a problem or improved their lives. Help prospects see themselves in the stories of real people.

Video is absolutely amazing for getting you ranked on the first page of Google's search results. You can see it happen for clients in as little as 18 minutes. Typically within a week or two they are showing up in more than one spot on the first page…that's what's called domination. Critical to getting results like that are the keywords you use to help the search engines find your video. If you pick a keyword with 1 or 2 million competing web pages you'll have a tough time getting ranked. But if you pick a keyword with few competitors it might not have any traffic. Choosing keywords is an art…be patient it takes time to develop the skill.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of My Small Business Marketing Guru. Helping small business owners generate more leads, clients and increase profits with relationship based marketing strategies. We invite you to get your free black mask marketing resources to help you business grow today, when you visit

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