Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tips On Preventing Slips Or Trips

Over 33% of all major injuries reported each year are caused as a result of Slips or Trips and are the cause of over 10,000 serious injuries per year. It is the single most common cause of injuries at work, costing businesses over £500million per year. The majority of Slips or Trips in the workplace are preventable and by following a few simple steps you can better protect your employees.

1. Keep walkways clear. Sounds simple and it is, do not place or leave items in walkways or where it could result in an accident.

2. Trailing cables. Position equipment to avoid cables crossing any area where people may walk. If there is no alternative use cable covers to securely fix surfaces and if possible restrict access by using barriers.

3. Housekeeping. Over 50% of accidents are caused by bad housekeeping, for example bags under or around desks and untidy work locations

4. Don't leave it to others - see it, sort it! Should you see a spillage report it to Facilities / cleaning but also take measures to ensure no one slips before it is cleaned up. Don't assume someone else will deal with it even if you did not cause the spillage.

5. Rugs & Mats. Ensure mats are securely fixed and do not have curling edges.

6. Footwear. Appropriate sensible footwear should be worn in the workplace to include the wearing of suitable heels that may otherwise increase the risk of an accident.

7. Distractions. Avoid doing things that prevent you from seeing or thinking about where you are going therefore increasing the risk of an incident. These include: rushing about, carrying objects or becoming distracted whilst using a mobile phone.

8. Staircases. Use the handrail and avoid distractions. Ideally you should not carry any drinks but if you have to make sure there is a lid on them.

9. Follow signs. If cleaners are cleaning a toilet or kitchen area, follow the signage in place. Cleaners have put a sign out for a reason and it was be sensible to follow the advice given.

10. Responsibility. Everyone is responsible for keeping the workplace safe

Do think about all the areas you work in. What hazards are you likely to come across and what can you do about reducing risks. All employees have a general duty to take reasonable care of their own safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions; this includes the prevention of the risk of Slips or Trips.

Nigel J Welford is a qualified Health & Safety professional and believes in making health and safety as simple as possible whilst still being effective and meeting all the regulations. For his free report "The Secret To How Health & Safety Can Improve Your Business And Profits: 7 Everyday Pitfalls To Avoid" from http://www.healthandsafetyintheworkplace.com

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