Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Marketing Benefits of the Simple Sticker

With all of the focus on Internet advertising today, one might tend to neglect some of the less glamorous forms of advertising, but you would be most remiss to do so! Did you know that many companies that sell both products and services can get a real boost to their marketing efforts by using a simple sticker? If, say, your firm sells some sort of equipment, you can have your employees leave a sticker on the product after it has been installed or delivered. That way, the customer knows who to call when it is time for the equipment to be replaced or serviced.

This is an especially important form of advertising in many service industries. When your company goes to a home or a business to service a printer or a furnace, you should leave behind contact information in a very obvious place on the product. For example, if a water heater breaks, the customer does not want to have to go searching for the contact information. One of the first places to look is on the product itself. If you have a nice sticker on their with your contact information, you are much more likely to get the repeat business. Also keep in mind that with many products, such as a furnace or a washer/dryer, people will not remember the name of your company, most likely. They may just run for the Yellow Pages when something breaks. You would be much better off if you spent a couple of cents on a nice sticker that they can see on the product.

While many companies you compete with may pay for expensive radio or TV ads, you can find that you will get a lot of repeat business by using stickers. You will usually find great prices on your stickers if you buy them in large quantities. You should think about buying enough marketing stickers so that each of your people in the field has plenty of them in their tool kit or service vehicle.

When you think about how to design your sticker, think about having the logo of your firm, your motto or tag line, a good image, and of course, your contact information. Another nice way to get repeat business is to advertise a 10% off sale or something like that on repeat business.

Next, you should think about what kind of sticker you are going to use. The basic choices are paper and vinyl. If your product is inside the property, you can use either kind. But, if you are selling equipment that is outside, such as an air conditioner, you will need to have vinyl stickers so they will not fade over time. Also, you need to consider the type of adhesive that you are going to use. If the sticker needs to come off every month or two, you want something that will peel. If the sticker does not need to be removed, you should think about an adhesive that will put up with the elements for many years.

Lawrence Reaves writes for, where you can order custom stickers to help market your brand. For more information about custome stickers or other products visit

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