Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How To Use Sponsorships To Grow Your Business!

In the last couple of years I've seen more events "sponsored" by businesses whose products align with the event. For example, training programs being sponsored by Vervante, a leader in packaging and delivering training products. Or networking groups being sponsored by Constant Contact, an autoresponder service. If you haven't seen this before, you'll likely start to notice now.

This strategy presents a great way to better manage your costs when delivering an event. In fact, as I'm going out "on tour" this fall with a colleague, we are securing sponsors to provide the space for our no cost business seminars. It's worked phenomenally well!

It's a win for the sponsor because we do the marketing and they receive greater visibility for their locations and business. It's a win for us because we don't have to pay for a hotel/conference room or other space to offer our program. So sponsorships are a great collaborative tool to help your business profits!

Now, let's talk about the benefits of YOU being a sponsor. I'm not saying you have to be like a Vervante or Constant Contact, however just sponsoring the local meeting of a group or association can give you and your business a tremendous boost! How?

When you sign up to sponsor a meeting, it may cost you a few bucks, but selected strategically, it puts you in front of your ideal clients whose challenges you solve. And that's powerful. And with just one conversion, it more than pays for the sponsorship! So, would you do it?

Just as an aside…one networking event I sponsored "cost" me some books I donated to be raffled off! So it doesn't have to be a huge expense!

I don't want you focused on how much it "costs" to sponsor a meeting; I want you to focus on what it can do or "returns" to your business.

For example:

- Visibility to more leads, prospects and clients IN ONE PLACE

- Credibility through an alliance with the group. You now get the benefit of their status and connection in your market

- Celebrity because you're seen as a larger and serious "business" who invests, not a "hobbyist" among your prospects and clients

Begin by finding associations and already "formed" groups of your ideal clients and learn when their meetings are. Then connect with the host and ask if they accept sponsorships.

Next, here are three things you want to ensure:

- You get to speak to the group as part of the sponsorship. Just seeing you is not enough, they really have to "hear" your passion for what you do and how you serve.

- Bring products, business cards, etc. to show that you have tangible things to offer. No products? No problem. Bring your favorite books on your subject and display them. This demonstrates your depth of knowledge and expertise in your area.

- Bring something you can give to every attendee. You can record tips on an audio program and burn it to CD and hand them out. Here's a little tip! There is a perception of more value for a CD than a piece of paper or business card...they are less likely to toss it.

Again, focus on your Think Bigger strategy of ROI - that return on your investment that a sponsorship can give to your business. It can be 10 times the amount of money you invest to be a sponsor…in less time. Imagine that!

So get going and find those opportunities to sponsor a meeting of your ideal clients, now.

Chris Makell, creator the "6-Figure Small Business Incubator guides entrepreneurs to be in the truth of their business so that they experience "real" freedom, with ease. Get your complimentary list of time saving tools at http://www.chrismakell.com/resources-2/top-10-resources/

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