Friday, September 21, 2012

Creating Wealth Strategies

Wealth Creation at its core signifies the creation of something of extended value. It's amazing how much mediocrity we put up with. We don't really want to live humdrum lives. We put up with the humdrum just so we can enjoy exciting, meaningful and adventurous episodes in our life. I like the broader, far-reaching concept of wealth creation much more so than narrow, limited notion of just making money. There is nothing noble in being superior or wealthier than someone else. But there is great nobility and purpose in being superior to your former self.

Some people would like to think that being wealthy is the opportunity of being able to take your dream holiday at a moment's notice or the assurance that if something unwanted does happen to you, your family will still have a roof over their heads and money in the bank.

Each of us may have different interpretations of being wealthy and what is needed for wealth creation but all of us often agree on the same thing and that is being wealthy means having extra money, and lots of extra money that is not intended for any other specific use. Consider the possibilities of making extra income through other income generators such as property rental, a second job, online business services or even catering services. Looking at all the possible income generators you have around you and finding ways to ensure that they are being made full use of is a very big step towards wealth creation.

The reasons for getting rich and wealth creation are much more than the simple attainment of money and wealth. Getting rich enables us to increase life and live more. I believe that one's desire for wealth and riches is rarely, if ever, specifically about the money, but rather it is a measurable way of expressing our desire for a fuller, better, more meaningful life i.e. the increasing of life. Concerning yourself with the attraction of money and wealth as a means to the experiencing and contribution to the extension of life is far more worthy pursuit than the love of money as a possession. What you want for you, you must want for everybody.

You would need to look at investments that can provide you with maximum returns on money spent, even if it takes longer than others, this is usually much less risky than investments that boast quick returns. The faster the returns usually means the higher the risk for that particular investment and higher risks of course reduce your chances at wealth creation.

For more information on saen higgins wealth without risk, make sure you check out this article {}.

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