Friday, August 24, 2012

Learn How To Sell Diamond Rings And Other Jewelry

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The Diamond industry has had its ups and downs over the past few decades, but even with the uncertainty of this volatile market there is still plenty of money to be made from selling your old or unwanted diamonds and diamond jewelry. With the rise of more and more diamond dealers the need for the precious stone is wanted more than ever. Even though the demand is there doesn't mean everyone who is willing to buy your diamonds are willing to give you the best deal. It is important to know what is your selling, and when it comes to diamonds you must know the four C's; the Cut, Carat, Clarity and Color.

The Cut isn't referring to the shape of the diamond but the reflective qualities of the gemstone. There are different types of cut's that will greatly change the "brilliance" of the diamond. The brilliance is how much light is reflected back to the person and gives it that inner glow that makes diamonds so desirable. Your Ideal Cut diamond will give you the best look as it reflects most or all the light back to the top, as the lesser quality cut diamonds, shallow and deep cuts, will actually cause light to be refracted through the sides and bottom giving and less back to the top causing less glow or brilliance.

The Clarity of the diamond is somewhat related to the Cut as it can dull or help boost the brilliance. Since diamonds are a naturally occurring mineral there are some inner flaws expected, the less inner flaws it has the easier it is for light to pass through it and give a better brilliance. Adding to this the Cut of the diamond and you can drastically change the appearance of the stone. If this is something you have trouble finding yourself, find a pawnshop or third party dealer, one who you aren't planning to do business with to eliminate bias, and have them inspect your diamond.

The Color of the stone is none other than the color of the diamond. In this case the less color a diamond has the more valuable due to the amount of refraction it can allow. The more color a diamond has, say an off white color, will cloud the stone causing a dull appearance. However some brightly colored stones are also desirable, but may not give off the brilliance of its colorless brethren.

Finally, the fourth C, Carat weight, and this is referring to the actually weight of the stone. This will impact the price of your diamond the most out of all the C's. A Carat is a unit of weight for precious stones, equal to 200 milligrams. Diamonds with high Carat weights are much rarer and have a higher value per carat ratio causing the price to grow greatly. If you are fortunate to have a diamond with high carat value make sure to weigh out your options before selling (pun not intended) as the market for these stones is much greater.

Those are the Four C's of Diamonds, the way the diamond industry prices these beautiful and rare gemstones. Even though a diamond ring your grandmother gave you may be worth more to you then the pawnshop owner suggested, this is the best way to determine your stones value before selling. Once again to insure the best price for your diamond, take it to a certified specialist to get it checked out, then you'll have the upper hand when mining for the most money in this rapidly changing industry.

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