Sunday, August 12, 2012

How Demountable Flood Barriers Can Save Money Over Time

Copyright (c) 2012 Floodsense

Flood damage is a natural consequence of man's inability to predict the flow of excess water from natural channels of flow, and is bound to happen anytime housing is built near areas of low relative elevation. It affects millions of people per year, and causes tremendous amounts of damage, and it can strike with very little warning. Fortunately, it's possible to use what is already well-known about flood water behavior to subvert the flow, and mitigate damage as much as possible. Flood defenses can come in many forms, but perhaps among the simplest are demountable flood barriers that can be mounted both in and around the average household, and are inexpensive enough to be within reach for the average consumer.

When most people think of what traditional flood defenses should look like, it's easy for them to envision huge constructs of steel and concrete that can weigh millions of tons, and can hold back whatever the sea or lake that is juxtaposed next to them can dish out. While having these mammoth protection measures installed somewhere in one's community can certainly bring about a measure of self-assurance, demountable flood barriers that are designed for individual or family use are much simpler in design.

One of the most popular is the doorway-mounted water barrier. There are metal plates that can resemble a large cooking sheet in appearance, but are actually a lot more robust. They have attachments on each corner that will allow them to extend to fit the diameter of any door frame. They lock in place, and create a watertight seal with the door that will resist any flood water flow that should make it through the front gate in the event of a flood.

The best part is that if the waters are rising with little or no warning, these can be popped into place between the door frames of all of the major entry points of a home in a matter of minutes. While the exterior of the home may still suffer from damage from fast-moving water currents, these barriers will at least prevent the interior from being penetrated, and can save a home's carpeting or furniture from taking on any serious water damage.

As flood protection devices go, doorway-mounted solutions are among the most cost effective. They're far cheaper than larger, more robust deploy-able protection measures that may take longer to put into place in the event of a flash flood scenario. For homes that are situated in areas that are a bit more prone to flooding than others, this means that the likelihood that purchasing a set of door-mounted water barriers will pay for themselves through the damage that they can prevent is much higher.

For 15 Years Kevin Williams has restored flood damaged properties from domestic dwellings to commercial factories.In 2010 He set up Floodsense offering his expertise in Flood Prevention Techniques, Systems and Services.For a free E-book and further info on Demountable Flood Barriers, professional advice on Flood Prevention from a leading UK flood protection company visit

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