Friday, August 10, 2012

Business Owners! 5 Ways To Make Social Media Work For You, Saving You Time, Money, And Stress

What's the adage--time is money? As busy business owners, you know how important it is to create a balance between day-to-day issues at work and keeping up with social media. But sometimes the two collide and you waste time and money, and gain stress. But it doesn't have to be that way. Today, you'll learn 5 simple tricks you can use to make social media work for you!

Before we get to the great tips, however, it's crucial that you understand the importance of prioritizing. Track an average day, listing the actual amount of time that you spend on emails, web-related business, management, sales, and financial matters. You'll probably be shocked at how much time you are spending on something that could be delegated to someone else for a lot less cost to you and the business.

Look at your business for a moment like a row of dominoes, with each of the items above as a domino. What is the first thing that happens that puts the dominos in motion? If you said you - the boss - you're putting yourself at the wrong end of the line. This is a mistake a lot of business owners make. They feel that since they're in charge, they should be at the front of the line of anything that happens. But as the owner, you should be the last domino to tip over.

Brad Sugars, founder of ActionCOACH, puts it this way when he speaks of the "cycle of business": "The team helps the customers, the customers help the business, the business helps the business owner, the business owner helps the team, and around and around it goes."

Business owners often tell me, "But, I have to run everything." Actually, in a business with sound systems in place, your business should nearly run itself. By putting the right team together that takes on some of the duties you have been doing yourself, you free up time to work on your business, rather than in it. Keeping up with Social Media can be time consuming. Here are 5 ways to make Social Media work for you.

1) If you don't already have a company blog in place, consider building one, or hiring someone to build you one. You can cover a lot of territory and share a lot of information in a blog, reaching a large audience with less time and effort on your part.

2) Consider subscribing to services that allow you to write one article and have it distributed to many sources. This applies to media and trade publications. While I hate the phrase "killing two birds with one stone", doing this saves you valuable time and energy that you can use elsewhere.

3) Hire a ghostwriter. Seriously, if you don't have time to write, hire a writer to write as you. Make sure you check his or her credentials and can trust them.

4) Link to a business source that will fill you in on daily happenings in the world of business, keeping you posted, but not taking your time.

5) Consider hiring a computer science intern from your local college or university. It helps the students by giving them hands-on learning, and it helps you, since IT students may know a lot more about social media than you do, and cost a lot less to you do, too!

Now, I see some of you business owners out there shaking your heads saying, "If I had money to do all that, I wouldn't be where I am right now," but you are where you are right now because you didn't do "all that" sooner.

It's not too late. Invest in yourself this time. Hire a qualified business coach and get the right systems in place, and you discover a goldmine of time, energy, and opportunity to do all those things you originally wanted to do when you started your business.

In closing, do this one simple thing. Make a list of everything you'd hoped your business would afford you and your family, and don't hold back. Put everything on the list you wanted then or now. Get your family involved. Ask them what they want that you can add to the list. As a family, choose the top five things that you truly want to see happen. That's your new vision. Now put a price tag on each and add it all up. That's your new goal. Seem unreachable?

Test it. Call me. I'm at the crossroads of your decision. One way = success. The other? Don't even go there. Choose to succeed.

I'm curious what topped your list of five "goals". Email me and let me know, and while you're at it, let me know how helpful this article was for you.

---------------------------------------------------- As a Master Licensee for ActionCOACH, our team of coaches help business owners affordably reach their goals by providing each with proven strategies to move their businesses forward. My 25+ years of business experience includes domestic and international ventures and business ownership. Email:

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