Sunday, August 5, 2012

3 Ways To Improve Your Business

Whether you run a one-man operation or a company of 100 employees, the best way to improve your business is to constantly make upheavals that keep your business in tune with the times. No business should ever be static.

What may have worked way back in the 50's may now be obsolete. It is therefore important that business owners regularly make improvements, lest they be left in the dust.

So what are some ways to improve your business?

Monitor Trends. Unless you are operating inside a bomb shelter built during the 2nd World War, you must know that there are constant business-related changes happening all over the world by the minute. So to actually insist on using trends from the 40's whilst everyone else is so technologically advanced is like putting your business in doom. The events and changes in the global landscape have an effect on your business. Stay current on trends and issues. Even if you are not as old fashioned as the above-stated example, being left out on market movements and changes in business styles still threatens your position in a market full of high-tech companies. Be current; be trending - customers will be glad to patronize a business that puts them in the forefront of fashion or technology. Remember, the surest way to remain stagnant is by refusing to adapt to change.

Sharpen selling skills. One of the surest ways to improve your business is by increasing patronage - and the best way to do this is by improving your selling skills. Sales are direct gauges of a business' ability to stay afloat despite a difficult economy. In order to improve your business, you must learn the bestselling skills. The sales function is a high return area for any business - it is a direct reflection of customers' trust, high quality of products and customer service, and ability to enhance staying power in the midst of thousands of other competitors. It would help if you ask for feedback from clients, and don't be sensitive about what they say. Inquire from them about how they find your products and services, and how else you can make them happier. Remember that happy and contented clients = more business = sales improvement = improved business

Motivate staff. Even if you are the business owner, you have to realize that you greatly need your staff to keep things going. Motivate your staff into using their talents and skills towards the improvement of the business. This may be done by giving them a promotion or a raise which they truly deserve, additional employee incentives, like a day off or free snacks, or maybe just by thanking them constantly for jobs well done. Another motivator is trusting them well enough to handle more core-business stuff, and allowing them to make minor decisions around the office. Giving them responsibility makes them feel important and trusted. Regularly train them on skills that will help enhance the business. You can also offer rewards like commissions when they succeed in getting a certain amount of sales within a given period of time. This motivates your staff, while discreetly improving your sales.

There so many other ways to improve your business - it just depends on your need. Remember that improvement will take place if changes are made from top to bottom of any business - everyone has to do their share.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of My Small Business Marketing Guru. Helping small business owners generate more leads, clients and increase profits with relationship based marketing strategies. We invite you to get your free black mask marketing resources to help you business grow today, when you visit

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