Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why Going Green Makes Business Sense

Activists have a hard time understanding why all business owners do not want to make ecofriendly choices for their business. Perhaps the problem is in the way the message is being delivered. Going green at your business helps the environment, but many people are still skeptical about the scientific reports on global warming and other high level environmental issues. This skepticism has led some business owners to fail to see the benefits of making their company green. Perhaps what they need is an explanation of how ecofriendly choices can help their bottom line. These are some of the ways going green makes good business sense.

The first, and perhaps most obvious reason to make environmental conscious business decisions is to ensure that you are complying with and federal, state, and local regulations. Over the past several decades there has been a push by governments at all levels to protect the natural resources and people of the world. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in a number of financial consequences. You may be required to pay fines imposed by government agencies. Your company can also face law suits brought by individuals who were affected by your company's failure to comply with regulations.

Consumers also provide incentive for companies to go green. Your products and business practices are not only subject to legal scrutiny by the courts, but choices you make will also be tried in the court of public opinion. In the United States, there is greater awareness about environmental pollution and how it affects our lives. New movements are being started every day and consumers are become more conscious about how their dollars help dictate business. When people head to the stores to buy products, many of them are making the choice to only buy products that practice sound environmental manufacturing. If you can make the claim that your product is green or was created in a sustainable way, you will be opening yourself up to a whole new type of consumer. Almost no consumer would discriminate against a product because it is a green product, but plenty of people will avoid products that are not. The range of consumers who will be interested in what you are selling if your product is ecofriendly will be much wider than if it is not. In addition to consumer attention, there are many distributors, investors, and other big opportunities like government subsidies, that are only available to companies with a green initiative.

It is easier to get support for a product, if you are creating it in a sustainable way. In addition to monetary support, many media sources feature stories about companies are taking the initiative to create a sustainable product. The valuable free press going green could get you will help you counter the initial cost investment. Finally, sometimes, ecofriendly choices save you money. Switching from paper to digital communications like emailing memos instead of printing them will help you eliminate some of the costs associated with buying paper, ink, and the labor costs of paying someone to print and distribute the memos. Turning off all of your office computers and lights at night will cut down on energy costs. Another way to cut your energy costs is to install ecofriendly light bulbs. You will see the cost of that investment offset by lower electric bills and longer lasting bulbs.

Written by L. Reaves for Beacon Hill Associates, Inc., found at - an environmental insurance broker and program administrator focusing on specialty insurance related to the environment and pollution.

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