Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Work Doesn't Stop When the Trade Show Ends

Staffing a trade show booth for a couple of days is a fairly gruelling task and is very tiring. It isn't just talking to all the people or the constant standing up, it's also all the months of preparatory work that goes into getting everything ready. During this time you and your team are running on adrenaline; it keeps you going and you never seem to get tired. Well that is until you stop.

As the last few hours pass by before the trade show comes to a close it's natural to start feeling calmer; you watch the number of people passing by your booth slow down. Fewer and fewer people are visiting you. Subconsciously your body reacts to this; the amount of adrenaline being produced starts to drop off, your feet start to ache as does the rest of your body. Your brain doesn't seem so alert and an overwhelming feeling of tiredness comes over.

There's little you can do to abate this, but you need to be quite clear in your mind, and to impart it to your team members, that after a good night's sleep the work doesn't stop, even though the trade show has ended.

If you have been very fortunate you or your team may have managed to secure some new business during the trade show, but it is much more likely that you picked up a large supply or leads and referrals. Once the trade show has ended, it's important that these referrals and leads are worked on.

Never leave the details for a week or so, they will go cold. By the time you contact any of the leads they may have attended other shows, met numerous other people and will possibly have forgotten you and your company.
As soon as you get back to your place of work you need to separate all the leads and referrals into piles that are relevant to the people who obtained them. Don't get anyone else involved at this point; it really is important that the person who obtained the referral is also the person that makes contact again. Only that person can start off the conversation in a more friendly and relaxed way.

Once you and your team and your list of leads and referrals then it's time to start calling. Anyone you are unable to contact put to one side. One you have made your calls and set up appointments to meet again then send a brief email to confirm the details and finally send polite emails to those people you have been unable to contact.

Remind then who you are, when you met and ask them to confirm when it would be convenient to call them again. You don't want to end up being nuisance and calling too often. On the other hand there will be some of your leads that will have decided they don't want to take the matter further. If after calling a couple of times and sending an email or two you have not been able to make contact then consider the lead dead for the time being.

By L. Reaves for Exhibit Deal - - they manufacture many of the displays you see on their website, and those they don't are sourced from the most reputable manufacturers and tested by our team.

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