Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Show U.S.A. Patriotic Pride With Made in The U.S.A. Labels

Fewer and fewer products today are Made in the U.S.A.. That's why if you have a product or number of products made in America; you'll want to let your customers know. Many customers today actively look for products that are made in the United States, hoping to find products that express their patriotic pride and to support American business ingenuity. Studies have shown recently when customers buy American made products; this helps to create jobs in this country and will improve the economy. Letting your customers know your clothing, crafts, furniture or other products are Made in the U.S.A. is not just good business sense - it is good for the good ol' red, white and blue!

There are many ways to use the Made in the U.S.A. Label on your product, try some of our helpful tips.

Make it easy to see. This sounds so simple, yet some business owners forget this one. If you are taking the time to add a Made in the U.S.A. Label, you want to put it somewhere that your customers will actually see it. Think like a customer: how do they hold your product and where will they look first at your product? Most clothing products they look at the label (often to check the size and what type of fabric) and then they look at the tags. Both of these places are a great place for the label. If you make a craft or furniture product, you'll want to keep the type of craft in mind when placing the label on it. For something fragile or heavy, think about how someone would hold it, or where they would look at the product first and that's probably a great place to put it.

Don't be shy. This is a great time to "think big" when you get Made in the U.S.A. labels because you want them to be noticed. Don't choose smaller stickers, hoping that people will see them. Remember that many people wear glasses and may not see a smaller label. If this is a point of patriotic pride for you, why not choose the larger labels? Be sure that people can easily see them, and you'll know that people can choose a great, high quality U.S.A. made product.

Want to know the best place to put it? We thought so! It's actually pretty easy: next to the price tag. Most of your customers will look at your product, to see if they like it. Then they'll start to wonder about the price, so they'll look for that. If you put the label right next to the price tag, they will just about be sure to see it. Well, it will be rather hard to miss! Train your staff to add the labels as they add price tags so they compliment each other well.

Don't forget to add Made in the U.S.A. to your other materials. Advertising experts say that most people need to see a message over and over for it to sink in. This is likely to be true for most of us. Try adding the Made in the U.S.A. to your website, product tag and even your business card! Be proud your products are Made in the U.S.A. and let everyone know that your products are made in America. Putting this information in other places will also gently remind customers as they see it on the labels on your products. It will help them to remember this for their next purchase.

Lawrence Reaves writes for Maverick Label, a label printing company that offers a variety of products inlcuding Made in the U.S.A. lablels. For more information about these labels and others visit http://www.mavericklabel.com/made-in-usa-stickers.html

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