Friday, July 27, 2012

Networking Tips for Business Owners Who Don't Like Networking

If the thought of networking fills you with dread, you're not alone. Many business owners would rather hear the sound of a dentist's drill than pass out business cards at a networking event. But there are some low key ways you can network, without longing for a visit to the dentist instead. Try these and you'll soon be passing out cards and making great contacts:

Remember that networking is a two-way street. Some who don't like networking feel like they are asking the person for something, and they most of us don't like asking for a favor. But networking in its truest form is connecting with people you want to do business with, and it is really a two-way street. They connect with you and you connect with them. You may be able to connect with them by offering them some web design suggestions or the name of a great web designer. They connect back with you by helping you learn ways your company can "go green."

The best networking is natural and (often) fun. Don't think about those forced events where you pass out your business cards, because often what you do is just pass out your business card with other people there to pass out their cards too. The best networking comes naturally and is actually fun. Try networking through a favorite activity, a sport, hobby or joining a professional organization. You're focused on something you enjoy, connecting with people who enjoy it too.

Make networking easy for you. If you don't like networking, you may be making it harder for you in some ways. Its time to make it easier, so there is the opportunity to enjoy it more. Carry current business cards with updated, recent contact information. Keep breath mints with you and wear your best dress clothes or dressy casual clothes (depending on the event). Arrive early, with plenty of time to enjoy the event. Let yourself feel confident and with the attitude that this could be fun.

Set networking goals. This is another technique that may work for you, especially if you are competitive or like goal setting. Set the goal that you will talk to a certain number of people and make at least 1 contact at an event. Track your progress. You may notice that by simply making the goal, you are meeting more people because you are pushing yourself to make those contacts.

Ask your current contacts to help you network. This is a tried and true way to network, one that confident networkers use - that you can use especially if you don't like networking. The best way to use it is to have a specific goal in mind. Ask your contacts to connect you with someone who can answer a particular question. We'll use the example of getting your office to "go green." This could connect you with a variety of different contacts, all with a concern for the environment. If you wanted your office and company to "go green," connecting with your contacts' contacts could be an ideal option.

Any networker who doesn't like networking will be pleased to know that this is a skill they can learn. The more you network, the better you become at it!

Lawrence Reaves writes for Galorath, a software company that offers a projecet mangagment software tool that helps companies better plan and manage projects. For more information on this software visit

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