Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Numbers Game Of Job Hunting

Looking for a job is not fun. For one, you've got to spend money, but you don't have any money coming in. You've got to compete with plenty of other people. You don't know how long it's going to take, and the longer you are without a job, the lower your self confidence gets and the less you can really feel positive about the future. Especially these days, with the economy the way it is, looking for a good job is harder than ever.

That's exactly why you need some kind of a strategy. When you are just trying your best, without really having a game plan, it's hard to keep your motivation, because you don't have any idea if it's going to work or not. But with a solid game plan based on reality and statistics, you can dramatically increase your chances. In this article, you'll learn some insights that can really help.

First of all, you've got to realize that it's purely a numbers game. For every job that's offered, there's got to be between a hundred and a few thousand responses, sometimes a lot more. And the people that sort through the resumes and responses have limited time.

That means they've got to find the best candidates out of a huge stack of resumes in a couple of hours. This is difficult. So if your resume is getting passed over, don't worry. It's nothing personal. There's a couple things you can do.

One is to make your resume really stand out. Use a really large bold font for your name, and write something really catchy underneath it that will surely grab the attention of those looking through the pile. Be as creative as you can without bending the truth too much.

Another thing you can do is to simply send out more resumes. The more you send out, the more chances you'll get. And also, keep sending the same resume to the same company's week after week. If they keep seeing the same name in their massive pile of resumes, they'll realize you are persistent, and want to talk to you.

You should get into the habit of sending out a massive amount of resumes every single day. Send out twenty or thirty a day, if you can. Even if the jobs are your idea of a dream career, send a resume anyway. It will keep you in practice, until sending out twenty or thirty resumes a day is just a regular thing for you.

You'll also be going on a lot more interviews, and this can help increase your confidence and self esteem. These are two things that are important in any job search.

When you follow these tips, you'll be much more likely to get that job of your dreams. Now get out there and start looking.

Finding a good job is always tough, but these days it's even tougher. When you do find a decent employer, you want to put your best foot forward, so you've got a fighting chance. To find out more, please visit http://www.sainsburyjobs.net today.

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