Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fulfilling Your Goal Of A Professional Resume

A professional resume can help you to get the most out of the very short time you have to present your resume.

When you are looking at the information you are going to list on your resume you should focus on the most important information. You want to make sure that you are listing your biggest accomplishments and this is something that you should give more attention. If you have a major accomplishment that pertains to the job you are applying for, you should list this on your resume in a way that it will be viewed right away.

When you are thinking about your fonts, you should stick to 12 point font only. You do not want your font to be too big or small. This will stick out to an employer and they will only notice that something is not quite right about your resume. When you begin to view other resumes you will find that the only font that is used is size 12 and this is how you should base your resume also.

References are something that does not need to be listed on a resume. This is a mistake that many people make when they have never made a resume before make. You do not even have to speak of references and an employer knows that if they want references, you will provide them.

You should not waste space by listing any information about references. There is more important information that you will want to focus on when you are using the space on your resume.

If you have achievements, this can be better on your resume compared to responsibilities. If you were recognized for your outstanding achievements, you should consider listing some of this information on your resume in place of specific responsibilities. This can help you to stand out and you will be able to really market your best skills.

If you increased sales or revenue for a company, you should list numbers. This can help an employer see what an asset you were to this company and this can make you more valuable. There may have been a great increase that you were a part of and this can be great information to list on your resume specifically rather than simply stating that you increased sales and this can make for a professional resume.

If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit our resume builder website today. You will find information to help you learn how to do a resume and even more information to help you build a resume. Check out our sample resume before you begin so you will be confident that you are writing it correctly and this can help to improve your results.

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