Friday, March 2, 2012

Internet Marketing Is As Easy As Pie

Copyright (c) 2012 Mark Albertson

My grandmother used to make the most amazing lemon meringue pie. She would only buy the best, freshest ingredients. She would make the pie crust from scratch, and use fresh lemons, fresh eggs, and would create the pie with care. She could spend all afternoon making this most scrumpuous pie. When I think back about the time, effort, knowledge and skill that she put into her pie, I have to laugh when I hear the phrase, "easy as pie". But you know what? It was easy for her, because she had learned how to make pie from her mother, and had made hundreds of pies, and all of her experience, knowledge, teaching, mentoring, and excellent ingredients did make it easy …. For her. As new internet marketer, I must have heard the words, "easy as pie" from a lot of places indicating that if I would just follow a few simple rules, I would be successful in internet marketing. My word to you is this: Internet Marketing is easy as pie - if you're an accomplished pie maker!

Unfortunately, many people who first go into internet marketing are led to believe that making money on the internet is easy. It's a "lazy person's way to riches" it's on "autopilot", it's just "plug and play". Sorry, it's just not. Oh, it's easy to get a business on the internet. It's easy to buy a program and have something that looks really really good. It's not easy to get anyone to visit your website or blog, and it's even harder getting people to buy your stuff. And that's because, just like my grandmother, in order to be successful at internet marketing or pie making, or anything else, you must do these 5 things:

1. You must learn how to market on the internet. Unless you just have piles of money sitting around in which you can pay someone else to do it for you, you have to invest time, money and energy into learning how to market on the internet. There are lots of resources out there; great E-Books, great marketing guides, great info blogs, great webinars, and great videos. But you will just make mistake after mistake if you don't invest in learning how to do it properly.

2. You need to have a mentor or coach. Someone who has been in the business for awhile, made some mistakes and had some successes. You can learn from their experience and you can avoid many of the distractions that will inevitably come your way. As I said, there is no shortage of information on internet marketing on the internet and elsewhere. In fact, there may be too much. Sorting through all the junk to find the gems is so much easier with a coach. They are worth their weight in gold. If you have a friend who'll do it for free, great, but if not, you can find a great inexpensive coach who will fit almost any budget.

3. You need to find good ingredients. What I mean by this is good quality webhosting, good quality website development, good applications to make the website or blog contribute to your success. Buying a "website" package for $5/month may mean that you don't have a great ingredient to make your internet success pie.

4. You need to practice. You won't get it right the first time. You'll fail here and there. You'll make mistakes. That's OK, and even beneficial, because you'll learn from them. Yes, learning from other people's mistakes is better than learning from your own, but don't be afraid to make mistakes, then learn from them and do things differently.

5. Don't give up. Nobody is a great pie maker immediately. But you'll never become a great internet marketing pie maker if you quit. Don't give up and don't give in. You are close to success than you think!

Mark "Slim" Albertson is an internet marketing coach, lecturer, and author of 5 books on internet marketing. Having turned to internet marketing in the 1990's, life has never been the same for this internet entrepreneur. You can read Slim's articles, subscribe to a regular internet marketing newsletter, and download his free internet marketing guides on his blog at ==== >

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