Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How To Leave Your Job

A resignation that runs smoothly for everyone involved is absolutely crucial in keeping good relations and moving on quickly. It's never something that we want to do, but handing in a resignation is pretty much something we'll all do. Make sure you know how to act.

With this in mind, you need to remember that your department will be open to disruption and your employer can need a lot of money, effort and time to replace new staff. There are various ways in which the scenario can happen, so we will take a look through a few options.

How your employer will act

When faced with a resignation letter, your employer is likely to do one of three things:

- Situation problems - This isn't a common action, but there can be a time where managers take this point personally and you need to be confident and stick to your guns about career interests.

- Counter offer - If you are a good, committed worker and have been an integral cog in the company's growth then all of a sudden you could find a pay rise and promotion offered. If this happens, be strong and remember why you wanted to leave in the first place.

- Thank you and wish you well - If this happens and your manager accepts the resignation and understands the terms then great because this is what we hope to happen.

What is your manager thinking at this point?

When you make this announcement, it's not always clear how your employer is going to react. It is common to have a concern about leaving a company that has trained you up, but remember that it's the best for you. Chances are that they are thinking one of these five things:

- We have a lot going on in this department; I'm snowed under as it is, we can't take more work on.

- This timing couldn't be worse.

- I'm interviewing for one vacancy as it is, I don't need another problem.

- Can I keep them on for a week or so while I look for a replacement?

- I can't let one of my team quit now. How will it affect department morale?

Top tips

Once your resignation is in, if your manager wants to keep you then they will talk you up and offer new terms. Considering the following tips and sticking to your guns is absolutely crucial:

- Plan what you're going to write and say.

- While remaining professional, you also need to be firm and assertive.

- Thank the company.

- Confirm a leaving date and have a letter.

- Make sure your reasons are selective.

There are many choices when you are choosing your executive search firm. Click the following link to find out more about getting the best employees to hand in resignation letters - http://www.spectrumsearchpartners.com/

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