Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Have It Your Way - Commissioning Art For Your Collection

In the past, the only real way to find a piece of artwork to add to your home or your investment collection was to work with art agents or dealers, trawling artist studios and searching through galleries and art shows until you find the perfect pieces for you. When collecting works of art, it isn't enough to find something that has some sort of real monetary collectible value, but, for most people, the piece must speak to them and be something they find pleasing and would enjoy having in their home. It's a very personal sort of investment. That's why it's important to find just the right sort of artwork. With the internet, it is now much, much easier to research things and search for pieces you really love. But what if you can't find just the right piece of art for you? What if you desire something really personal and specific? Well, with the easy, direct access now afforded collectors to many artists, it is sometimes possible to get that must-have, exactly perfect for you piece by finding an artist whose work you really love and trying to negotiate with them to commission a piece for you.

If you're going to commission something, then you most likely have a really good idea of just what it is you're looking for, so the quest becomes finding the perfect artist you know can give you exactly what it is you're looking for. He or she can most likely produce a piece in their own unique style, but made especially for you to your specifications.

Portraits are popular commissions, with people alone or with their families. Having a family portrait to hang on your walls can be a sort of status symbol, as well as a nice addition to your home. In terms of investment value, you might not think a self-portrait would be likely to be of significant value, but if the artist becomes well-known or famous, you could end up being the next Mona Lisa or Whistler's Mother. If you'd rather not have a picture of you, there's always your favorite dog, cat, or parrot. Portraits of animals are always popular and can serve as a beautiful tribute to your furry family member in the future. Whatever you decide, for this type of commission you'll most likely want to search and find an artist who specializes in portraits.

If portraits are not your thing, you may want something with a particular theme and/or color scheme to match a certain space in your home, or perhaps there's a particular cause or interest you would like to have represented to display in your home.

Of course, there are a lot of artists who don't accept commissions, either because they are too busy and don't have the time to do them, or because they just really don't like painting on commission That's okay though, because for every artist who won't accept commissions there is probably 10 more who will. You just have to keep searching until you find one you are confident can produce what you desire.

Once you have found the perfect artist, and you're both sure you are on the same page in terms of what you want and your expectations of the piece, the only thing left to do is hammer out the details of time and money. Be realistic in your expectations of how long it will take to complete the piece. Artists are sometimes very busy and the creative process isn't always a fast one. Just try to set a timeline you both can agree on and do your best to make sure the artist sticks to it. With most artists, a 50% upfront payment of the agreed upon price for the commission is typical, for supplies and a good faith deposit, with another 25% given about halfway through and the remainder at the time of delivery of the finished work.

Once the artwork is finished, and you're both satisfied with the finished piece, with any requested changes being made and issues handled, you will be the proud owner of a unique work of art that is yours and yours alone to enjoy for many years to come.

David Tatham, specialist picture dealer for over 25 years, has an extensive knowledge of Lowry's biography. Signed, prints and pastels can be viewed and bought from the website.

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