Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Affiliate Marketing-Are You Making These 4 Mistakes?

Anyone can make money from home with affiliate programs, but not everyone does. This is such a shame because they still make simple mistakes. If you are going earn money with affiliate marketing you should learn how to the basics. 

Here are 4 mistakes people are still making.

1. Not buying a domain name. Whenever I see someone bragging about their great product, and I see a long affiliate link, I want to scream.

If your affiliate product is so good how come you won't buy a domain name and build a website around it. Or at the very least by a domain name and redirect it to your affiliate offer.

If you don't want to do that set up a redirect URL in your own hosting account. If you want to make money as an affiliate marketer gets serious and learn this basic step.

2. Write your own review or pre-sell page. The best opportunity you have to influence a buyer in the affiliate marketing process is to set up a review or presell page.

This is where you honestly give your opinion of the product you are trying to sell. This is your pass through page that people will land on before you send them through to your affiliate sales page.

You do not have to be a professional copywriter for this to be effective. It would be helpful if you would purchase the product and then give your opinion of it based on personal use.

3. List building. You're going to sell far more affiliate products in the future than you will ever sell on the first visit to your pre-sell page.

Having a list you can contact over and over in the future will increase your affiliate sales many times over. It is a proven fact that people need multiple exposures do something before they are going to buy it.

The only way you can benefit from this is to either email your offers to other people's lists, or build your own email list. Having your own list is one of the most valuable assets you can develop as an affiliate marketer.

4. Lack of focus. I have been to websites that try to do too much on them.

You're much better off to focus each specific offer on an individual page than you are to try to lump all of them together. In conjunction with that if you jump around from one affiliate product to the next, without ever focusing on promoting one, you're never going to make any money.

Get money coming in on one affiliate product before adding the second one. Get profitable in one specific niche before branching into a second one.

These are all basic mistakes that people continue to make. If you've been an affiliate marketer for awhile you should at least master the basics and be profitable by now. If you're not you need to analyze why!

If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit his network marketing website today. Join JV With Jeff for free and recieve tips on how to make money online without any experience or website of your own.

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