Saturday, March 17, 2012

7 Tips On Building Your Email List

To run a successful online business you must make sales to people who have an interest in your products or services. Building an email list is a key part of this process. You can then stay in touch with the people on your list, develop relationships and make repeat sales to your customers.

You will see lots of hype online about how you can add thousands of people to your email list in a very short period of time. This is possible but the key question you need to ask is whether these people are ever likely to buy from you. Always go for quality rather than quantity. Here are 7 tips on how you can build a quality email list of people who are likely to buy from you and become loyal customers.

1. Understand what your potential customers want. This may sound rather obvious but believe me it's not! Many people spend months and even years creating products for which there's no demand. Don't fall into this trap. Do your research - spend some time online, listen to what people are saying in forums about the problems and challenges that they face. Then you'll get a good understanding of what potential customers want.

2. Establish your credibility in your market niche. Give people a reason to join your email list. If you can show them that you know what you're talking about, that you can give them quality information and solutions to their problems, do you think that they'll want to sign up to your list? Of course - people are hungry for this sort of help.

3. Deliver excellent quality content on all your platforms. This is how you will make a name for yourself as someone who is worth listening to. Make sure that your website, blog, social media etc give people the information and answers that they're looking for. Let people see the quality of your material so that they will be much more likely to buy your products and services.

4. Make sure your website and blog are optimised for the search engines. You want people to find your site when they search for information online. They won't find you if you're languishing on page 94 of the search engine results for your keywords. So when you're creating content make an effort to use the right keywords in the right places. This isn't difficult but it is easy to overlook in your rush to get content on your website and blog posts.

5. Use paid advertising to get people to your website. This will give you quicker results than search engine optimisation but it's a good idea to use both approaches. Be careful to target your advertising at the right sort of people, otherwise you will be wasting your money.

6. Partner with other people in your niche. This is a great way of building your list quickly. Identify other businesses that are complementary to yours but avoid direct competitors. For example, if you're selling an ebook on 'How to grow roses' you could make contact with a company that sells roses. Ask them to email their list with a great discount offer on your ebook and then reward them with a percentage of the profits. You benefit by getting more people on your email list and they make money - a win win scenario!

7. Make it easy for people to join your list. Once you've succeeded in attracting visitors to your website the last thing you want is for them to read your content and then go without leaving their email address. Your number one objective with all visitors should be to capture their contact details.

So don't just have one sign up box on your homepage. Consider placing sign up forms in various locations e.g. the sidebar, footer area, pop ups and on blog posts. You can easily create attractive web forms that link to your autoresponder service. Make them a great offer in return for their email address - you'll find this an easy task if you've understood their needs and created high quality content.

To summarise, by following these 7 tips you'll make great progress in building a quality list of prospects who are genuinely interested in your products or services, appreciate your expertise and are likely to become your loyal customers.

For more hints and tips about running a profitable online business claim your free copy of Ruth Morgan's 90 page report Internet Marketing Revealed today. You'll also get her 5 part guide to setting up an online business. To get your free report and 5 part guide go to now.

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