Friday, February 3, 2012

Stepping Big In Your own Life Is the Best Way to Help Others

I feel such gratitude as I look at my life and how it has changed over the years. Recognizing all that I have, I often want to help other women who don't have as many resources.

One day, when I was sitting at my computer thinking about how I could possibly make a bigger impact, I came across a story of a woman who was given a micro loan from a woman in the west. The woman being helped didn't have a formal education, but she bought a cow, and started selling milk in the village to earn a living. With her perseverance and commitment to succeed, she was not only able to pay back the loan she was given, but she also saved money to buy another cow. And pretty soon, she had a herd.

I was touched reading the story. And happy to know that given a small opportunity and belief, women can change their own destinies. I realized that we can help these women by shining our own light. By claiming our share from the world! By expressing our talents and sharing our unique gifts. The only way to help another woman is to step up and live your dreams.

When we live our dreams, we not only give ourselves a chance to grow and succeed, but we also become leaders, role models and an example for others to step up. In living our dreams, we give others permission to live out theirs. I felt at peace knowing all I need to do is believe in these women's abilities to be resourceful, and I need to support them by being a role model in manifesting my own dreams.

What confirmed my belief even further was when I learnt about the Hundredth Monkey Effect, a testament to the energetic impact we have on each other. As part of the research of this phenomenon, it was found that when a certain number of monkeys (supposedly a hundred) in Japan were performing a new act, this learned behavior instantly spread across to monkeys in other areas.

The monkeys picked up on a vibration that was so far away in distance from them, but was powerful enough that they were still able to imitate the behavior from the first group of monkeys. The two groups were not in physical contact with each other and could not see each other, yet they had an impact on one another.

What this means in terms of the 'law of attraction' is that by changing our vibration, we energetically affect others on the planet. We can collectively make a huge difference by living our brilliance and shining our light. And this, in turn, has an influence on others.

A woman feeling fearful of starting a business in a third world country can overcome her fear by tapping into the universal energies of strength and courage. We can help her tap into the energy of strength and courage by overcoming our own fears and vibrating at the higher frequency of love and faith rather than fear.

I would encourage you to pick up a dream you are afraid to believe in and think again. If you can go after it, work to realize it, you are impacting not only the course of your life but also those of others as well.

If, like myself, you also believe in the power of the one Universe, then you know that by overcoming your obstacles, claiming your value and charging what you are worth you support woman all over the world. All you need to do is increase your vibration, live your dreams and women all over the world will pick up on it.

Are you ready to claim your big self? Are you ready to step into your dreams? Remember God wouldn't give you a desire without having a means to achieve it.

Zahra Efan- Business Coach for Creative Female Entrepreneurs

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