Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to Advertise Your Small Business - 3 Tactics To Improved Results

It's an unusual small business owner who planned to be in the business he or she finishes up in (and I count myself among them ). I got into my business to some extent through a love of writing, and partly through necessity. Few of us really sit down and create a small business marketing plan for the whole thing as a business from the outset though.

They appear to labour under the delusion that because they're good butchers, bakers or candlestick makers they're going to be good at operating those kinds of businesses.

Alas, it's almost never the case, because they don't understand the fundamental truth: each and every business lives and dies by the caliber of its marketing.

In this piece we 'll explore what I've found in my long experience to be the three most important components of any small business marketing.

There is much more, to be sure, but if you can master these three, then this by itself is going to place you head and shoulders above your competitors.

1. Endless follow up

Successful business owners learn the key to business success is to be found in following up.

Another way of putting it is, the more you tell, the more you sell.

Your chances of selling something to someone on the first pass are usually pretty slim, and even in my business, which is in an industry not usually noted for its long sales cycle, I consistently get first-time customers who have been on my email list for (literally) years and have just at that moment chosen to buy.

2. Customers, instead of sales

The real worth of a customer or client is in his or her lifetime value -- the amount of money he or she gives you over the lifetime of your relationship.

Too many business owners really don't understand this, and instead fall over themselves in the scramble to make each individual sale, without bearing in mind this long-term value.

It's been my long experience that my business and my dealings with clients is more financially rewarding and more satisfying if I am level with them and even go as far as talking them out of making certain purchases. It engenders trust, and once they trust you, they 'll effectively pay you almost anything you ask, for as long as you demonstrate that trust is warranted.

3. Primary Focus

What's your goal for being in business?

If you responded something other than "to make money", then you might want to rethink your career.

I'm not being mercenary here, because even a non-profit business founded for the most humanitarian and noble of reasons must turn a profit to stay in business. No matter how good the ultimate cause, there are still salaries to be paid out, obligations to be met and bills to be settled.

All of this means you've got to be making sales -- and this does have to be your focus.

What's more, this is no way contradicts what I said above about fostering long-term relationships rather than focusing on immediate sales. On the contrary, by serving rather than selling, you 'll end up selling MORE over the long term.

What you're not doing is focusing on any single sale as being particularly important.

Yes, you have to make sales and you have to have customers and clients ... but no single one of them is indispensable. If they are, then your business is in a very precarious position and you need to do something about, and soon.

Seriously, it's easier than you think to grow a successful and profitable small business, and if you embrace what I've given you in this article, it's going to be a whole lot easier for you.

Jon McCulloch is perhaps Europe's top direct response expert. Visit his website and take just 3 of his 52 FREE small business marketing ideas he's giving away today, and actually put them to work in your business and you'll be amazed by the results.

They've all produced substantially better results for businesses just like yours in the last two years.

Get your tips here: =>

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