Saturday, February 11, 2012

How Persuasive Advertising Campaigns Can Sell Your Product Or Service

It is often said that in order to make money you need to spend money. For hundreds of years companies have found that one of the best ways that they can successfully promote their products is by spending money on advertising campaigns.

Advertising campaigns can be either informative or persuasive. An informative advertising campaign will offer facts and figures - hard data - about a product or service to the consumer. It will go into detail about how a product or service works.

A persuasive advertising is quite different. It assumes that consumers are aware of how the product or service works. Its goal is to convince consumers that the product or service in mind is more beneficial and desirable than seemingly similar products and services that are in the market.

An effective persuasive advertising strategy will usually focus on enticing consumers to buy a specific product or service by using sensible and emotionally appealing copy and images. One highly effective approach involves focusing on the products' benefits.

Although competing products may have similar, or even the same benefits, the idea that the advertising campaign is trying to convey is that it would be difficult to find this benefit in any other product.

For example, advertising for a specific underarm deodorant might note that the deodorant has ingredients that are designed to keep people cool, calm and odor free even when they are in the most stressful situations. Although other deodorants may have similar or even the same ingredients, this particular deodorant manufacturer is trying to gain the reputation as being the product that people who have stressful jobs turn to when they need to be cool, calm and collected. The campaign is target marketing a specific sector of the underarm deodorant market.

Another advertising campaign may want to give consumers the perception that using the deodorant will help them to be more successful in their love life. It might assure them that if they dab the deodorant on before leaving home that they will stay sweet smelling for a longer amount of time. Therefore, it will help them to build up their confidence when they want to approach and interact with a potential lover.

This strategy is often used with colognes and perfumes. The advertiser tries to create the perception that everyone who buys and uses their product will be more socially successful and much more attractive.

Keep in mind that this technique does not directly say that anyone who uses these products will automatically reap the benefits. The concept behind the campaign is to convey the belief that the odds are very high that anyone who uses the product will experience a similar benefit to that which is being portrayed in the advertisement.

In order to put together any successful advertising campaign it often makes sense to hire an advertising agency in your area to develop and promote your campaign.

There are a number of advertising agencies in San Diego. To find out how one of the most successful advertising agencies in the area can help you promote your products go to

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