Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Developing A Website

Have you recently bought a domain name, subscribed for the best hosting service and now on your way towards developing a website?

Well whether you are an old pro or entirely a newbie there are certain simple and basic steps which helps you to unfold the mystery of "Developing a Website"

Analyzing a website is the first and foremost step in web developing process. Here basically you record the ideas and goals of the website and then tailor the web-design and pattern in the best interest of your target audiences. Keeping in mind the demographics of your audiences and their taste, it becomes the prime duty of the webmaster to develop a website that communicate effectively.

After analyzing proceed with the next task of developing a website - Creating Content. Website content should be highly focused. Priortize the information in such a way that it succeeds in conveying the website's message to the visitor. The language used should be very simple and also easy to understand so that it immediately connects with the global audiences!

Now while developing a website one has to not only look into the functionalities but also certain physical aspect like text style,size and colors which actually emphasizes the overall appearance of the website. This is where "Typography" comes into picture. Sans-serif fonts are the best to use for all website text styles since they are easily readable and also provides the site with a professional look. Further, font size is a matter of preference but the most optimum size for paragraph is 10p and 12p for headers. While developing a website take care to avoid color changes and try to keep the color as simple as possible. Always choose a background and text colors with high contrast.

Next, select ready-made website templates that compliment your website's theme. Though you can always customize the templates as per your need and preferences.

When you're done with all the above elements, the most important aspect of developing a website" i.e. "Web Construction" comes into picture. If you are an experienced user you can always use free development tools or platforms which are easily available such as Linux, Apache, MYSQL, PHP and FTP or opt for HyperText Mark Up Language (HTML) Coding. But if you are raw you can make take advantage of the WYSIWYG web development software such as Netbeans, Adobe Dreamweaver, WebDev or Microsoft Expression studio which thankfully does not require any knowledge of programming languages or HTML

While developing a website along with the technicalities one should also see that the website is user-friendly so that the targeted audiences reach their destination in the shortest possible route. Thus, the webmaster should take care in keeping the navigation simple and very precise. Sitemap is the best navigation tool. However, it should always be secondary means of navigation.

Finally, along with all the above parameters you can also monetize the website. Thus, not only attracting visitors but also generating revenue with them by implementing Google Adsense on each page of your website And the more you attract audiences with your amazing skill of "Developing a website" the more you generate the chances of clicks on the ads - eventually creating revenue and filling your pockets

Remember, when you help enough others to get what they want, you will get what you want!

Kate Jones is the editor at you can find more information about how to create a website by visiting their website

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