Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Benefit of Having a Mentor For Your Online Business

Copyright (c) 2012 Mark Albertson

Whether you own an online business, are thinking of starting an internet based business, or own a 'brick and mortar' business and want to increase profits, you will benefit from having a mentor who can help you to succeed.

If you just type into a search engine "online business" you'll quickly see why. There are thousands and thousands of programs available to you, many offering complete systems for online marketing, many of them offering books and many offering software to help. Each one claims to be some sort of miracle, and many create the illusion that you don't have to do any work: it's all done for you. Even if you don't buy into the claims, you can still be overwhelmed by the ocean of advice available to help you make money online. It's easy to be blown this way or that by the offers, and if you start getting emails from these folks, your inbox will soon be stuffed with information that will only serve to confuse.

Much of the information available is great stuff. The problem is that there are only so many hours in a day, and nobody can possibly sift through all of the information, not to mention the fact that without trying this stuff, you don't even know if it works. This is where a good mentor can come in. In my 20 years of experience I have been pleasantly surprised at how giving and generous people are with their time and advice. All it takes is a little searching for someone who has been at it for awhile, and you can learn a lot about what to do, what not to do, and how to create a plan that will help you to succeed. Here are a few tips in finding a mentor:

1. If you purchase an informational product or E-Book that you like, feel free to contact the author and ask questions. My experience has been they are happy to help, as long as you are judicious in the time you ask of them.

2. Join networking groups, either online or in-person. LinkedIn is a great place to learn from others.

3. Consider spending the money to hire a coach. The costs are usually very low, and that way you'll get individualized advice, and you don't have to worry about the time you take for questions.

It wasn't too long ago that there was a study of the Fortune 100 CEO's, and the study found that 90% of them said that they had a mentor to help them. If it was good enough for the business world's most successful CEOs, it's definitely good enough for you and I.

Mark Albertson is owner of Stick Man Marketing ( He has authored 5 EBooks on internet marketing, and coaches, consults and mentors people who want to increase profit online. Mark offers a free 70+ page EBook on internet marketing, visit his blog at

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