Monday, January 2, 2012

Why Some Freelancers Get All the Work: 7 Abilities Buyers Expect You To Have

Ever inquire why some freelancers get all the work, whereas you seek to find your first job or even on-going work? You may assume that the most essential factor to becoming an excellent and gainfully contracted freelancer is to become perfect at what you do, but you would be in error. While being trained at what you do is very important, it is not the most critical part of being successful. There are plenty of more important reasons why some freelancers get all the work. Here are 7 skills clients look for you to have when they seek to hire a qualified freelancer.

Prospects like freelancers who:

1) Are Professional

That means turning jobs in when you say you will and following up on the course of action you drafted with them. For example, if you say you're going to hand over a first draft in two weeks, you hand over an initial draft in two weeks. It also means returning phone calls and emails on time, and treating your customer like you 'd love to be treated. Fantastic client service is paramount to keeping potential customers and excellent word-of-mouth advertising. Professional freelancers simply get and keep more clients.

2) Are Friendly

You've worked with negative people before, right? No one desires to associate with a jerk or any person that makes them feel stressed. Being gratifying to work with actually isn't hard; it speaks of having a positive attitude, being pliable and receptive, and being easy to speak with. We all have poor days. However, you are a business manager and it's your business to make your potential client feel understood.

3) Have A Superb Attitude

Be open to change, ready and able to pay attention to criticism (positive and negative). It may also mean being willing to negotiate with your due dates and your prices. You don't need to make unreasonable concessions and surrender money to accommodate; however, if you're willing to work with your clients for a win/win end result, they will be grateful to you for it. This is definitely one of the most noted reasons why some freelancers get all the work, while others scrape to get by, or garner only tiny jobs for scant money. Mindset is everything! You are in the service buisness. Satisfy your clients and treat them as you would wish to be treated.

4) Are Trustworthy

Uprightness is the best policy. If you won't be able to do something, or do not know something, just be honest with your client. They might not be delighted but it's definitely better than being lied to or tricked.

5) Are Willing to Learn and Improve

Prospects admire freelancers who are inclined to learn and who are continuously enhancing their business. It is great when you can mention to a prospect, "I was at a seminar last week and I honestly believe such and such strategy would help your project, what do you think?" It illustrates to them that you're thinking of them and that you are greater than just a freelance provider. You can also act as a marketing consultant. This is an advantage and helps to set you apart from other freelancers.

6) Are Accessible

This is difficult for some freelancers because they need to work irregular hours, they don't keep standard business hours and conceivably they just do not care to talking on the telephone or making themselves available. However, it's vital to your prospects to be able to call you in a method that they feel comfortable with and when they're available. That shouldn't mean you have to keep 24/7 business hours, but reasonable business hours and access to you is necessary. As is being available via phone and e-mail.

7) Are Superb Listeners

Being a great listener means two things - it means truly picking up what your customer is declaring and it means learning when to ask questions. It's too easy to devote your time talking with a prospect and feeling like you've got to advertise yourself when the truth is, if you simply listen to what they have to disclose and ask a few questions, you're better off. Most people wish to be listened to and they want to know they have been listened to much more than they long for your sales pitch.

This should certainly answer that burning question of why some freelancers get all the work. A lot of a successful freelance business is the by-product of retaining good customers and good word of mouth. In fact, you can fill your schedule with these two simple things. If you would like to belong to those freelancers who get all the work, follow these simple tips and you 'll be well on your way to reaching your freelance business objectives.

If you would like to learn even more reasons why some freelancers get all the work, please visit my freelance and work at home success blog:

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