Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Many Uses Of Paper Bags

Have you heard about some of the "new uses for old things" articles that are floating around? They take some of the most common things that you have in your house and show you how to use those common items for many different purposes. If you have a lot of paper shopping bags taking up space in your pantry, it is time to pull them out and put them to work. Those retail bags can be more helpful to you than you ever imagined. Of course, one of the best uses of brown paper bags is to use them as book covers for your school books. It only takes a couple of minutes and your book is protected. Plus, since it is paper you get to dress it up and decorate it any way you would like.

You can also use it to help your tomatoes ripen more quickly. Put the tomatoes in the sack, roll down the top and put it in a cool, dry place. Do not forget to check on them every few days. You can also use these sacks in the kitchen when you are peeling and cleaning vegetables. Instead of having to clean up the mess, you can just pick up the sack and toss it out. If you have a garden, these sacks make a great tote when it is time to start picking your vegetables.

Many people out there use paper sacks for popping popcorn. All you have to do is put some popcorn in the bag, roll the top down, and put it in a low wattage microwave. The sturdiness of the paper sacks make it perfect to use when you are shipping something through the mail.

They are also perfect for removing candle wax from things like rugs, carpet or clothing. First, you have to use a scraper of some kind in order to remove as much of the excess as you possibly can. The next step is to put the paper bag over the wax. Then all you have to do is run an iron that is warm over the wax. The heat of the iron will melt the wax and the paper bag will soak up all of the liquid.

Kids can stay busy for hours and hours playing with paper sacks. One of the easiest things to do is to cut the bag open so that it is one large piece of paper. Then put it on a big table or even the floor and let them decorate or draw on it. Usually, they draw on normal size paper so they will have a lot of fun doing artwork on a much larger piece of paper. Kids can also use the brown sacks to make homemade cards for their friends or family. If you help them cut it to the right size, they can surprise everyone with cards on their birthday. You can even take a whole day and help them make cards for every special occasion for the next year. They can even make costumes and masks out of the bag. For a mask, just decorate it and then poke a couple holes in it for the string.

Stewart Wrighter recently purchased several cases of custom paper shopping bags for a fundraiser at his restaurant. For more information about paper shopping bags go to .

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