For the retailer that offers only a small selection of items, or for whom the items are relatively uniform in size, making the correct choice is relatively easy. However, choosing sacks for a retailer that offers a large variety of items in a number of different sizes, the choice can be difficult. It would be impractical to have the right size sack for each and every item in the store. In addition, there is no way to accommodate customers that make purchases of multiple items in many sizes. Choosing sacks for this type of store can be difficult.
One tip that may help managers choose the right size bag and the right amount of sacks to have on hand is to do a type of store inventory. Only this inventory involves a survey of the sizes of items that fall into certain categories. This can be done by including actual item sizes in a database, or it can be done by visual estimate. Categories of sizes can be tailored to fit the proposed sizes of sacks that are intended to be purchased. This method will give a close estimation of the categories of bags that should be selected to start with.
If this is a new operation, then the store manager will probably have to guess as to whether large items or small items will be more popular. The first order will be their best guess and they can adjust subsequent orders as they collect more data. For shores that are already established, the selection of sacks can be based on actual sales records.
More goes into the selection of gift bags and kraft bags for the retail establishment than one realizes in the beginning. This article provided several suggestions for taking a more scientific and practical approach to determining what size you should purchase for your first order. The size of the sack in relation to the item that it holds is also an important part of consumer perception of your store and its products. You want the sack to look full, but not so full that it tears on the way to the car. A retailer does not want one that tears because it gives a bad impression for the customer. You want to make a lasting impression and you want it to be a good one. Choosing the proper gift bags and kraft bags is a more important decision than many realize for these reasons.
Stewart Wrighter recently purchased several cases of gift bags for a fundraiser at his restaurant. For more information about gift bags go to
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