Monday, June 20, 2011

Simple Business Tips For Your Small Business

With so much information available today for small business owners at times it can be hard to get through it all. Being business educated is extremely important, sometimes there is just one or two pieces of great information that can change a system, a process or help increase your marketing efforts. Small Business owners who spend a part of each day to build their knowledge have successful businesses. It is easy to get caught up in your business and push the education to one side for later, however we all know that later never comes.

 Here are some short sharp small business tips to help your business move in the right direction.

 Getting The Best From Your Team: Motivated staff can add significantly to your bottom line. And all it requires is a little effort on your part. You'll get the best from your team members by drawing upon their inner motivations. Here are three ways to achieve this: Set Goals which fulfill everyone's needs. That means linking your organizations goals to those of your team, e.g. training course that makes a team member more productive, and also opens up opportunities for advancement.

 Be a partner. Listen to your team members and give them feedback that supports their goals.

 Offer a variety of rewards. Work with your team members to identify rewards that they value. Each person is most likely to be motivated by different incentives. These could include things such as tickets for the cinema or sporting events, or simply time off work.

Five Steps To Greater Decisiveness: We've all had them - those nagging doubts about whether we've made the right decision. Until we overcome them, it's hard to move on. Here's how to be happy with the decisions you make:

 Carefully consider all the facts and opinions

 Pay attention to your gut

 Once you've made the decision, don't second guess yourself

 Act knowingly that you'll probably make more good choices than bad ones

 Anticipate success, but don't be afraid to fail. Ask the questions:

Discovering The Root Causes Of Poor Work Performance: Your team's performance is one of the crucial elements in determining the profitability of your business. If one member is performing poorly, then the moral of the whole team is likely to be dragged down - and with it, productivity.

 But, as you've undoubtedly discovered, even when you sit down with your under-performer and try and uncover the real reasons for his or her poor work, the cause(s) are not often immediately apparent.

 There a generally 6 root causes for poor work performance

 1. The person doesn't understand what you expect. You may have asked the team member to do something, but how do you know they fully understand your instructions? Ask them to explain your instructions to you. You might also ask whether their job description is clear and up-to-date. Is the bar set too high for them or your goals ill-defined?

 2. The person lacks the skills, or knowledge. Ask them whether they feel they have the necessary skills and knowledge. Has any part of the job changed without the person being properly prepared to handle it? Does he/she need more information or training?

 3. The person isn't getting enough feedback. Ask whether they are getting sufficient feedback. Have you been candid in your feedback and have you provided it promptly? Did you explain the feedback in a way the person could understand and use it?

 4. The person is not motivated enough to excel at his/her job. Ask the person whether they feel sufficiently motivated to perform better. Are the incentives you provide to this person likely to inspire them to greater effort? Is moral low because you are always changing things? Does this person actually benefit from performing badly?

 5. The person is facing some sort of performance barrier. Ask them whether there is anything preventing them from performing better. Is the work environment right for the task? Does the person have the right tools to do the job? Do they have enough time? Is there a conflict of priorities and the person is unsure about what they are supposed to be achieving?

 6. The person has personal problems. Ask whether something outside of work is affecting their performance, commitment or dedication?

Using simple strategies can make a big difference in your small business


Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of My Small Business Marketing Guru.Helping small business owners generate more leads, clients and increase profitswith website creation, search engine optimisation and online marketing strategies.To get your free black mask marketing resources and DVDs please visit



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